Products in which SCSIT specialize 1. Automotive Products 汽车系列 •Wiper Blades 雨刮器 •Variety of car accessories for interior and exterior 内外装饰 •Car & Seat Covers.车套,座椅套 •Microfiber products **细纤维 •Snow brushes 雪刷 •Ice Scraper 冰刮片 •Squeegees 刮扫器 •Tires 轮胎 •Tire gauges胎压器 •Electronic gauges & Meters 电子仪表 •Booster cables电缆夹 •Spark Plugs火活塞 •Freon for car aircon 氟利昂 2. Promotional,Give away and Gift items 附属礼品 •Calendars & Dairies 挂历&笔记本 •Pens笔 •Stickers & Banners 不干胶& 横幅 •many varieties of gifts and promotional items 各式宣传礼品 3. Apparel 劳保用品 •workers uniforms of all types and different materials with logo 工作套装 •workers gloves of all types for different usage, 劳保手套 •T-shirts T-桖衫 •Polo –shirts 翻..